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Netherlands is the 3rd episode from Series 1.


Bedroom Bonanza[]

Item 1: Something from a foreign country

Ioan & Nate: Cuddly toys from China

Molly & Eloise: Sprinkles and chocolate spreadings from Amsterdam (3 samojis)

Karim & Lianne: Nephew & globe

Item 2: Something you would never want to give away

Ioan & Nate: Cuddly toy & Ioan

Molly & Eloise: Toy & photo (3 samojis)

Karim & Lianne: Phone & Jinga

Item 3: Something gross

Ioan & Nate: Each other

Molly & Eloise: Disgusting spray (3 samojis)

Karim & Lianne: Bogey

Scores so far

Ioan & Nate: 0

Molly & Eloise: 9

Karim & Lianne: 4

Karim and Lianne's bonus question: What does Lianne do to embarrass Karim? Dressing him up as a girl because she always wanted a little sister

Toilet Takedown[]

Question: How many toilets are there at Wembley Stadium?

Ioan & Nate: 20

Molly & Eloise: 3,500 (3 samojis)

Karim & Lianne: 150

Correct answer: 2,618

Best Roux the Sneezing Pomeranian impression: Ioan & Nate

Scores so far

Ioan & Nate: 1

Molly & Eloise: 12

Karim & Lianne: 4

Food Flash[]

Dish: Stack, Snack and Send it Back (Made of rice cakes to flavor and layer one with mustard and tin carrots four times over and topped with a meringue)

Dish closest to the original picture: Molly & Eloise

Scores so far

Ioan & Nate: 3

Molly & Eloise: 16

Karim & Lianne: 5

Ioan and Nate's bonus question: What is their mom's favorite dinner to have at home? Pasta soup

Meet the Families[]

Dance: Clogging

Cringe samoji: Ioan & Nate

Overall style samoji: Karim & Lianne

Most steps on the pedometer

Ioan & Nate: 67

Molly & Eloise: 89

Karim & Lianne: 130 (3 samojis)

Scores so far

Ioan & Nate: 4

Molly & Eloise: 17

Karim & Lianne: 9

Molly and Eloise's bonus question: What is their mom's favorite dance move? The Dab

The Decider[]

Say What You See-mojis

1: Fish and chips (Ioan & Nate got it correct)

2: Sleeping Beauty (Molly & Eloise got it correct)

3: Quiet as a mouse (Karim & Lianne got it correct)

Final scores

Ioan & Nate: 7

Molly & Eloise: 20

Karim & Lianne: 12

Winners: Molly & Eloise


  • This episode is a sibling special.
  • This is the first episode that have a celebrity in the show.
  • Third episode that a European country was the title. First was Italy and second was Finland.